A veneer is a thin covering of material that is placed over a tooth in dentistry. Veneers can enhance the beauty of a smile while also protecting the tooth’s surface.
Composite and dental porcelain are the two most common materials used to make veneers. A composite veneer can be directly glued to the tooth (built-up in the mouth) or indirectly produced in a dental lab by a our dental technician and then cemented to the tooth with resin cement. They’re most commonly employed to treat adolescent patients who will need a more permanent design after they’ve reached adulthood.
A full veneer crown is described as “a restoration that covers all the coronal tooth surfaces. A laminate veneer, on the other hand, is a thin covering that covers only the tooth’s surface and is typically utilized for cosmetic reasons. These are usually better in terms of performance and aesthetics, as well as being less plaque retentive.
Veneers are a prosthetic item used by cosmetic dentists and are only available with a prescription. A dentist may use a single veneer to restore a single tooth or numerous veneers on the upper arch to produce a huge bright “Hollywood” kind of smile makeover. Many people have tiny teeth, resulting in voids that orthodontics may not be able to close. Some people’s teeth have worn away at the edges, giving them a prematurely aged appearance, while others may have crooked or misaligned teeth.
Most Common Reasons Cosmetic Dentists Recommend Veneers
Multiple veneers can cover teeth gaps, lengthen teeth that have been shortened by wear, fill black triangles between teeth caused by gum recession, offer a uniform color, shape, and symmetry, and straighten the teeth. Thin porcelain veneers are also recommended by dentists to reinforce worn teeth. It’s also used on yellow teeth that refuse to whiten. Thin veneers are a good alternative for aging patients who have worn teeth. When employing porcelain veneers, minimum to no tooth preparation is often required.
Temporaries, usually made of composite, can be made during the preparation process, in between the prep and fit appointments for the veneer. These aren’t usually recommended, although they can be utilized if the patient is experiencing sensitivity or poor aesthetics. Temporaries are critical for designing and finalizing the appearance of the final veneers. Patients and dentists use temporary veneers to assist them choose the proper color, length, and shape.
Ultra-thin porcelain laminate veneers can now be created thanks to recent technological advancements. These veneers only require a little amount of tooth structural reduction, or none at all in some cases. These veneers are known as “non-prep” veneers. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We will examine your situation and go over all your options.